The Game Dev Community Garden
October 2019 - Present
In 2019, I sat next to a stranger at a conference in Melbourne, Australia, with a drained social battery. The stranger was also very tired, so instead of thinking, we both had a go at drawing a cactus. I sat down with some friends, who drew cacti too and thus began the Game Dev Community Garden.

Each of the people behind these pieces work in the game development industry and have fostered their skills and creativity in a way unique to them. Some have watched the industry grow for many years and others are at the beginning of their careers. Each of us leave our mark on the games we create, the conversations we have and connections we make.

Very few of the people who drew these cacti are artists by trade, but I asked them to draw these cacti however they imagine a cactus should look, giving a space to think about what a cactus is to you, specifically, and contribute to a garden, a metaphor for the the industry we all work in.

If you would like to contribute to this piece, please feel free to draw a cactus however you imagine it, preferably with pen and paper. Photograph the drawing and add it here

Thank you to our contributors!
Nick Yapp
Aiden Gyory
Elliot Cox
Riley Huppatz
Anthony Iob
Cherie Davidson
Wren Brier
And, of course, our anonymous contributors!